Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Saturday - Sunday, May 22 - 23, 2021
  • Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 am
Event Types


Saturday, May 22, 2021


10:00 am - 12:00 am

Saturday Virtual Tent

All class of 2001 alumni and their families are invited to join us in the Virtual Tent! The tent will have plenty of breakout rooms so you can have one-on-one and smaller group conversations.


To kick off the weekend, we’ll be featuring classmates who will teach you how to make delicious orange cocktails (Orange Crush and Old Fashioned) as well as classic Princeton cocktails (THE Princeton Cocktail and Martini).  We’ll also be sharing information on how to access the very family-friendly “Taiwan Night Market Virtual Field Trip” as well as “The Best Piece of Wine Advice I Can Give: A Virtual Wine Tasting Event” events from within the tent.


We’ve got a full slate of fun activities that you can access from the tent on Saturday including yoga, a virtual scavenger hunt, cocktail sessions and children’s events.  You can also attend our class meeting for updates and announcements and watch our featured performance by musical artist Tara Nome Doyle.


We’ll be sharing access to the (Virtual) Booze Cruise Through Spain

and the LIVE TO BRAZIL! Virtual Field Trip.  We’ll also be offering a Closing Meditation for those of you who’d like to end the weekend in a mindful and calming way.

View the full schedule of all Tent activities…

We HIGHLY recommend that you download the latest version of Zoom to whichever devices you might be using to attend virtual reunions (desktop, laptop, tablet, iPad, phone, etc.).

How to Register:
All Class of 2001 alumni received an email with an INVITATION link to register for our Virtual Tents on Zoom. Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with your REGISTRATION link, which you can use to access the tents whenever they are open. This link is personalized and should be used only by you and members of your household. You may use the SAME link in that same registration email to sign in and out of all of our Virtual Tents while they’re open (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) and to get info on how to access all of our Class of 2001 Events and Activities.

Note: Both the invitation email and the registration email came from “The Class of 2001”. The invitation email went to the email address you have on file with Tigernet. The registration email went to the email address you provided when you registered for the Virtual Tent at Zoom.

Having trouble finding your invitation email?
1. Check your spam folder
2. If you’re on Gmail, check your “Promotions”
3. Confirm which email address you have saved in Tigernet – you can check under “My Profile” here
4. If you still can’t find your email, contact us here: [email protected]